In today’s generation around 264 millions people are suffering from anxiety. It is a growing mental illness which is mostly seen in the teens. We can define anxiety as our mental or physical reaction to stressful, dangerous or unfamiliar situations. So why teens are suffering or are more likely to get this? The Ans to this question can have many possibilities.
How anxiety is increasing in teens these days?
First, due to stiff competition. These days teens are more pressurized by their family members, to be perfect in every thing ( specially in studies ). They want their child to be number one in every field. Which creates a fear or destress kind of situation in the child that ultimately leads to anxiety and than depression.
Second, do to the growing influence of western culture. Most teens are big fans of Hollywood and are getting into stuff like drinking, smoking, hookup culture etc. These things can cause anxiety.
Third, inner insecurities. This thing is not common to just this era but is normal for every teen. In this age, teens started to get insecure about their body because of the changes taking place. But this can lead to anxiety if the child is not supported by their friends and family members.
According to me, everyone should love their life and be grateful for it. Once, you will start loving your life and not just get jealous you will be happy. People should not get into things just because they see others are doing it. You should be rational enough to understand what is wrong and what is right. Just be satisfied by everything and learn to ignore rubbish things which people said to you. Stop thinking what people will think. My dear this is your life and no one will remember anything after you die unless and until you did something great.